
Our pre-school serves children from 18 months- 5 years. Our small program strives to be your child’s home away from home. We maintain small teacher: student ratios (average 1:5) to ensure your child is nurtured and cared for. We follow a play-based and evidence-based curriculum. We pride ourselves on engaging the children in the local community. We believe that play is the work of children, and our students work hard at play!

At The Village, children progress through classrooms based on both age and readiness! All children are individuals and classroom changes are decided as a team with caregivers.

18 Mo- 2.5 Years

Your tiny toddler is bursting with potential at this age! At The Village, we focus on development of language, social skills, and motor skills all through hands-on play! Our low staff to student ratio of 1 teacher for every 3 children allows for lots of individualization and positive reinforcement. And say goodbye to diapers, because we are happy to work on potty training your little one as soon as they are ready!

2-3 Year Olds

Your terrific toddler is blossoming and showing their personality more and more each day. At The Village, we love to see your toddler shine! We continue to teach through hands-on learning, and love watching your little one gain independence. Our ratio of 1 teacher for every 5 students allows your little one to gain independence while still giving them the attention they deserve!

3-4 Year Olds

Your pre-schooler is excited to learn, and we are excited to teach! Our 3 and 4 year olds begin pre-academic learning. But, at The Village, learning is always fun! We ensure hands-on learning stays at the heart of what we do and begin community outings to local museums, restaurants, and shops to encourage our students to connect to their community. Our low ratio of 1 teacher for every 6 students allows us to continue to meet your child where they are at!

4-5 Year Olds

It’s hard to believe that your little one is preparing for kindergarten! At The Village, we are dedicated to ensuring Kindergarten readiness. We focus on language, social and emotional learning, independence, reading, and writing to ensure your little one feels equipped for the next big step! We immerse ourselves in the community with frequent field trips to encourage students to explore their world. With our low ratios of 1 teacher for every 7 students, The Village is the perfect stepping stone to Kindergarten!

Tuition 2024-2025

At The Village, we offer part-time and full-time options for Pre-K. In addition to an excellent education for your child, rates include free access to all caregiver workshops and one monthly “parent’s night out.” We are a year-round program that follows RPS school holidays, with the exception of summer break. Please reach out for more information!


Therapeutic Services